Wow, it has been some time since my last update. First of all I'd like to give a shout-out to Garheade and Chainer Cygnus from the
EVE Commune podcast. They
mentioned my latest entry because of the conversation with SEA Elder1 some time ago. Well, the story about this guy is STILL not over yet. Ninjas are persistent. Because a lot of people asked for it I am going to update the whole story once we are done with him.
EVE-Commune is a very interesting podcast about EVE blogs, and Garheade and Chainer are doing a great job on keeping their listeners up-to-date about what's going on in the blogosphere.
What really keeps my fellow directors and me busy is a lot of paperwork behind the scenes. There might be some radical changes for TEARS on the horizon (hint: it might have something to do with Incursions), and major changes to the forums, a new website, and new alliance logo need attention. Hopefully we're done with it some time during January and I can focus more on actually playing the game.
But wait, there are some ingame activities, too. Suddenly Ninjas Live Events! In order to advertise our alliance (we might need new pilots next year), and to stroke our e-peens we are going to give away FREE SHIPS. Our CEO Aiden goes into detail about how it works
in his blog, and in the
EVE-O forum.
That's it for now. Short entry is short. Expect more about our Live Events soon!